Agent EducationBlogCareers January 19, 2021

Why You Need a CRM to Grow Your Business in 2021

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It’s 2021 and like everyone else in the world, you are ready for a fresh start.  Your New Year’s resolutions and huge goals are set for the yearYou are fired up!! The goals are going to give you something to strive towards throughout the year. For most people, this excitement lasts for a few weeks or maybe a couple of months and then wears off. The missing ingredient that agents leave out is a way to keep themselves organized and motivated. The best tool for this is a CRM!

What is a CRM?

You may be asking yourself, what is a CRM and why should I use it? CRM stands for customer relationship management and in its most basic form is simply a tool that helps you organize your clients. It is typically where you would store your sphere of influence (SOI) and add your new leads as they come in. A good CRM should surface these contacts to remind you to stay in touch with them.  This “stay in touch” idea is something that sounds so simple, but in reality, is probably the number one reason why agents miss out on business. Most real estate agents don’t do a great job of reaching out to their contacts. On the other hand, the very best agents do a great job of staying in touch. A survey from REAL Trends showed that 95% of top producing agents use a CRM system in their business.


Have you ever found out that a friend or past client just sold their house and used another agent? This burns every time and almost every agent has experienced it at one time or anotherI have talked to other agents about this and a common reason is that their friend or past client just didn’t know if they were still in business anymore because they hadn’t heard from them.  It’s understandable, life gets busy and we just forget! This is where the CRM comes into save the day (and your paycheck). It will be a new tool that you should log-in to everyday, just like your email. A good CRM will tell you what tasks you need to complete, who you should reach out to and what you talked to them about last time.

How to Choose the Right One

The first step is figuring out which CRM is right for your business You will quickly find out that there are hundreds of different CRMs and many real estate specific ones. Most brokerages have a corporate CRM for their agents to use at no additional cost. This is a huge benefit and recommend checking to see what is offered with your company. I have tried several different CRMs and I highly recommend that you check out the Cloze Real Estate CRM, which focuses on turning your sphere of influence into opportunities.

Integrating All of Your Digital Tools

The main benefit of Cloze is that it integrates with all the tools you already use in your business and brings them all together. I have used other CRMs that allow you text, but you must use a different number than your cell.  Every time you send an email it will come from a new email address and so on. This is all very confusing for your clients and yourself. Cloze links with all major cell phone providers, Android and Apple to track your phone calls and text messages without needing a new phone numberIt connects to your Google or Microsoft accounts (and others) to bring in your contacts, email and calendar. 

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”” title_text=”Cloze App connections” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.8.0″ _module_preset=”default” custom_margin=”-81px||||false|false”][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.8.0″ _module_preset=”default”]This eliminates double entry and saves you a ton of time. Essentially all you have to do is link your accounts and Cloze brings all the information together providing you with a complete history for each client and your entire sphere of influence. 

Focusing on the Right People

Once you have everything linked it will automatically surface your most important people based on who you contact the most. Your contacts are sorted in order of importance in the first column labeled “All”.[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”” title_text=”Cloze People Screenshot” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.8.0″ _module_preset=”default” custom_margin=”-2px||||false|false”][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.8.0″ _module_preset=”default”]Then you are able to choose if those individuals are your clients and you can then organize them into categories.  Based on the categories you choose; you begin getting reminders of when you should reach out to them to stay in touch. There are templates are tons of other features, but it really does the most important thing well. Keeping you in touch with your clients and sphere of influence to grow your business.  

Reach out to me with any questions or comments about CRMs. I look forward to hearing from you! 

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